Monday, April 7, 2014

Mass Notes for the Fifth Sunday in Lent (and my 3rd Scrutiny)

I thought I might try to get in the habit of posting some of my thoughts after Sunday Mass; either things I learned from the sermon or the readings, or just general thoughts and musings. Next week will be crazy since it's Holy Week and I'll be going to SO many Masses, but after that I'll try to start posting these with regularity.

Ezekiel 37:12-14
Psalm 130:1-8
Romans 8:8-11
John 11:1-45

Since I tend to geek out about liturgy, I got really excited when the woman leading our scrutiny discussion told us that the Gospel readings for the last three Sundays have been chosen specifically with catechumens and candidates in mind. The story of the woman and the well alludes to the living water that catechumens will receive through baptism; the healing of the blind man symbolizes our growing insight on matters of faith; and the resurrection of Lazarus represents the new life that we will receive in Christ. I thought that was a nice reminder of how seriously the Church takes our formation as new Catholics, and how important we already are to the Church family.

For the homily, our pastor talked a lot about reconciliation, since that has been a Lenten theme for him and our other priest. Reconciliation (confession, penance, whatever you want to call it) is so interesting to me and something that I don't think I've quite grasped yet. I made my first confession in December, and it was definitely a freeing and healing experience, but it didn't impact me as much as I expected it to. Plus it was disappointing that I fell right back into many of my old habits a little while later. I'm hoping my next confession (in a week! Aaahh!) will make things a little clearer.

Okay, now it's your turn! Leave some thoughts on yesterday's Mass in the comments! God bless y'all :)

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