Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hi, I'm New (to the Blogging World and to Catholicism)

Welcome to my blog!

As some one who loves writing, and has a lot of thoughts, some of which might possibly be interesting to others, it seems high time that I get myself one of these. If nothing else, it will be good writing practice!

I'm not sure yet what I want this blog to be about, but I think it will mostly be about my experiences as a brand-new Catholic convert, starting this Easter (in less than three weeks! Wow!). I thought about making a blog about RCIA when I first started classes, but never got around to it. So instead I'll just focus on what it's like to be a young person entering this crazy and beautiful world of Catholicism.

I especially hope I can reach out to other young people, who are either involved in the Church already, or have fallen out of their churchgoing ways. I think the stage is set for big things to happen among young Catholics, and I hope to be a small part of that movement.

Other than faith-related topics, I hope to blog about all the other little things that make up my life: college, books, music, knitting, and traveling. I'll also try to write out my lengthy and complicated conversion story... One of these days :)

Thanks for reading, and God bless!


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